With an eye to development and internationalization, Molteni Farmaceutici constantly pursues chemical-pharmaceutical, clinical and biomedical research to develop new drugs and improve therapeutic applications.
The company’s primary goal is to devise treatments able to improve the patient’s quality of life, by mitigating the side effects of narcotic analgesics while simultaneously increasing patient compliance.
Living without pain is a right everyone is entitled to.
Access to palliative care and pain treatment is assured by the National Health Service and the patient management process is operated through the health integration plans.
The Italian Law no. 38 of 15 March 2010 sets the “Rules for the access to palliative care and pain treatment”. For the first time, the patient’s access to palliative care and pain treatment is guaranteed, together with human dignity and independence.
Among other aspects, said law provides that pain is registered in the patient’s medical records, national networks for palliative care and pain treatment are established, the access to drugs for pain treatment is made easier and finally that medical doctors and staff are specifically trained.
To help clinicians institute proper treatment schedules according the main international guide lines about pain management, Molteni Farmaceutici has always been involved in developing, manufacturing and marketing products for the treatment of pain, based on a wide range of well-known and new opioid active ingredients. Among the ultimate opioid drugs, Molteni has been granted the exclusive right to produce and sell all over Europe a nasal spray developed in USA to treat severe breakthrough cancer pain.